Thursday, October 15, 2009

ASIMO-Honda Advanced Technology

The Japanese company Honda today unveiled the new version of its robot ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility). You should see how this has evolved since its introduction biped robot 11 years ago.
This modern version has lost six kilograms since his last release, 2005 and now features 23 new joints, which currently has a total of 57, allowing it to run at speeds up to 9 miles per hour, 50 percent faster than the previous version.
However, the most significant advance is in its artificial intelligence, allowing you to have a conversation between different people, recognizing faces and voices, even if those involved speak simultaneously. Addition also increased its sensors visual, auditory and tactile, allowing you to open bottles and pour its contents into a glass.
Instead of facing the creation of a toy, Honda opted to build a robot that can be useful to people who can help at home, or who are disabled unable to fend for themselves.

ASIMO, thanks to its 120 feet high, has a face to match ours if we were sitting in a chair. This allows you to perform jobs that were thought to be made by a person sitting, without complications.

The physical aspect of the robot created by Honda reminiscent of a child dressed in a spacesuit. This friendly appearance is part of the manufacturer's strategy to keep the robot wakes in public mistrust.

While Honda charged for these services, showcase ASIMO in places with a mass influx of visitors is also an excellent way to spread their existence.

While walking we like a perfectly normal activity and simple (the end of the day, even a child can do it!) Is not at all easy to achieve a mechanism that reproduces the walk on two legs. ASIMO is not only able, but also can rotate. While other fewer advanced bipedal robots must stop, turn, and move forward again, ASIMO can rotate exactly like a human. It can adjust the stride length and the position of your hips, knees and feet to turn as you go, in a very natural way.

Cameras mounted on the head of ASIMO can be transmitted via USB those who see a PC, so the robot can work as a roving camera.
Although it may sound, not a robot ASIMO 100% autonomous, at least not in the sense that you can not enter an unfamiliar room and decide how to move in it. Previously, must be programmed with specific details of your environment, and the tasks that must be performed in, or otherwise be controlled remotely by a human.

No wonder it was Honda who develop this wonder. The company has a great track record in terms of technological innovation. Surely, the robots will see in the next decade, or perhaps beyond, will be based on the foundation built by ASIMO.


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